27 February 2011

Museums are still free (mostly)!!!!

Dear Economy,

            I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, as we are all still quite worried about you.  Please get better before the government is forced to charge entrance fees at all of their free museums.  Culture must be passed down from generation to generation for free otherwise no one cares; At least, no one cares enough for such institutions to be profitable on their own.  Plus us young and unsuccessful people are cheap so an entrance fee would really be a pain, especially with you being so ill and all.  I must say it really is quite stingy of you.  You’re sick and the rest of us are trying to pay bills and enjoy life but you are just lying there occasionally moaning and saying, “oh, why me? I feel so awful.”  What you need is a good kick in the ass.  Oh, you’re sick? Oh no! Serves you right for acting like such a whore for the last few years.
            Best wishes for a happy and healthy recovery.
