20 February 2011

You could be reading highlights magazine right now, but, obviously, you are not a discerning reader

Here is the first post representing "the increasingly poor decisions" of myself, the honorable reverend GRTR. I will puzzle over the oddities of London, bitch and moan, condescend, and spew a bunch of nonsense which would make medieval monks regret their efforts in collecting and writing manuscripts in order to preserve the English language.  Well, at least they would have some beer to console themselves with if they ever saw this page.  I hear time machines were big in medieval England (I was the one who said it, but technically that means I still heard it).

Await the grandeur that will be:  Pictures I took myself, poorly, in bad lighting, while stumbling from the drink.

I may even make a portion of this educational.*

*educational meaning ceaseless indoctrination consisting of fictional statistics and wild accusations.